The Goal Toward A Happy Life


I do have to say it’s nice to be writing more regularly. I know this is only day two of consistent writing, but after having not written anything on here for a while it is definitely a refreshing feeling.

Yesterday I had talked about my hopes for this blog. Didn’t get quite the amount of views I was hoping for, but I was rather surprised by the amount of people that decided to follow my blog. So for all of you who have read, liked, or became a follower of my blog thank you so much. I really appreciate the support. Now with that being said lets get onto the main course.

So as I was trying to organize my computer today I came across this quote from Einstein. When I was reading over the quote it made me realize that for all my life I had mainly been focusing my goals or happiness on material things or people. This is not to say I am a shallow person, but I do feel I’ve been rather well conditioned, like the majority of society has, to desire and seek happiness through possession or some form of ownership of material things up to and including people. This led me to review those individuals whom I consider to be heroes in my mind.

I am sure many of you have one or more heroes you look up to. Here are some of mine:

  • Albert Einstein
  • Bruce Lee
  • Warren Buffet
  • Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Miyamoto Musashi

I’m sure there are a few more I have that I can’t quite recall, but as you can see they are all successful individuals. However, if you look closely to the lives of these individuals you will see that they had an intense focus not on any material thing or individual, but a goal that would continually expand to help them keep moving forward. It was this epiphany that made realize how flawed I had been all this time. So for any of you that have been struggling in life take a second to review your life. Are you trying to chasing things or you shooting for a goal that will bring you true abundance? This may be difficult and could take a while to ponder over, but it is well worth the effort. It has taken me 27 years to finally see this concept for what it truly is. All through that time I had sought out and read book after book, but never truly comprehended the true nature of a real goal. I had been so empty for so long. Now I take my first steps toward ending this 27 years of discontent.

I hope this has shed some light on your lives and with that light a new step toward a better direction. I am still uncertain on how to turn this goal into something that can sustain me toward a better future, but while I work on figuring that out I would like any of you to feel free to comment on my blog. If you are feeling shy about it or want to have a private conversation shoot me an email. My email address is:

Until next time take care everyone.

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2 responses to “The Goal Toward A Happy Life”

  1. busymindthinking says :

    Reblogged this on Busy Mind Thinking and commented:
    This is a friend of mine that offers great insight. When I see a post that really appeals to my soul and causes me to reflect – it gets my attention. I hope you’ll visit my friend and let me know what you think.

  2. mandasiefert39 says :

    This, you have the right idea! Belinda is one of mine, (busymindthinking), and my Mother.

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