Pro Status

Recently I had announced on my facebook profile that I wanted to make a change for myself. So I figured I would start this blog to share my journey on discovering myself as well as working toward becoming a better person. With that being said I wanted to share something I had recently looked into about being a professional in any given subject.

They say it takes the average individual 10,000 hours to become a pro at what they are doing. Looking into this statement I would have to agree that it does seem to take the average individual 10,000 hours to become a pro in their subject. If you want to see how many years that would equal, then you can say that it would easily take anywhere from 10 to 30 years. You can see why it’s quite prudent to get into one’s desired field as early as possible. Of course, this usually doesn’t work out like that for the most of us; especially in my own case.

I have made a lot of blunders in my life. One obvious one is not working toward being a pro at something. I have many interests that I would like to look into, but I need to work on focusing myself on one major skill. I don’t have a definite answer right now, but on my next post I will definitely have something I would like to work on.

As far as posting on here goes I am going to try posting at least once a week. Also aside from talking about myself I will also put up on here stuff I found helpful to my own personal development and hopefully these things will help those of you that are following my blog to lead better and more fulfilling lives as well. Thanks for reading this and see you next post.

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